NASA found a planet with a highest-ever habitable probability of 84%, and very similar to the Earth


The only life we know for certain in the cosmos is on Earth. (Whether such life is intelligent is… let’s say, debatable.) However, it is not unexpected that humans are always looking for life on other worlds. So far, they’ve uncovered nearly 4,000!

What’s even cooler? NASA has created a new list of 24 planets that aren’t simply “Earth-like”… They’re better. They have better living circumstances than we have on Earth! So let’s look at some of them.

KOI 5715.01. Hmm, shall we be coy (KOI)? This lovely planet is located in the constellation Cygnus. Why is it so wonderful? Well, our Sun is a yellow dwarf. And, while the Sun does a good job of supporting life, there are those stars who can do it better. Nothing personal.

The planet KOI-5715.01 orbits near an orange dwarf. Orange dwarf stars are somewhat smaller than our Sun and have a lower brightness. Did you enjoy the alliteration there? Anyway, don’t panic; this doesn’t mean we’ll be living in full darkness! In fact, if the planet is closer to the Sun and has a thicker atmosphere, it may be brighter and more colorful than Earth!

Our Sun has an extremely brief lifetime. It has around 7-8 billion years remaining to live, which is somewhat longer than the age of the Earth. But orange dwarfs can live for 45 to 70 billion years! our is fantastic not just because we will be able to stay on our planet for longer, but also because the planets around these stars will have more time to produce life.

Ideally, we want to locate a planet near to an orange dwarf that is roughly seven billion years old. It’s extremely likely that there will be some organisms present. KOI 5715.01 is approximately 5.5 billion years old. Yeah, it may not appear adult enough, but that’s fine! Neither do I! Our planet is one billion years younger, and didn’t stop us.

The planet is near to its star and in a habitable zone. A year lasts 190 days… Imagine attending elementary school and already having a driver’s license. It is approximately twice as huge as the Earth. The average temperature there is 52°F, somewhat lower than ours (57°F). However, it is possible that it feels warmer there because the strong gravity allows it to retain heat in the atmosphere for longer periods. However, it is a bit too far away. About 3,000 light-years from Earth. Which is around 18 quadrillion miles… Yes, you should pack a very large lunch. KOI-3010.01. This planet is located near to the star KOI-2010. This planet sounds like a pretty lovely place!

The average temperature on this planet is 67°F, which is somewhat warmer than ours. But it’s a good thing! Scientists predict that on a “perfect planet,” the temperature would be around 10 degrees higher than on Earth. The more heat there is on the earth, the more pleasant it is to live there. Also, there is a better probability of developing life! This planet’s radius is roughly one-and-a-half times that of Earth. There is some atmosphere, albeit we are unsure of its makeup. But it’s probably similar to the Earth’s.

Scientists believe we will find an ocean there, which may cover up to 60% of the area. That’s also cool! In a “perfect world,” water and land would be divided more equitably than on Earth. A bit extra land equals greater territory and resources, correct? But listen, this planet is really similar to Earth. The likeness is so close that experts estimate we have an 84% probability of discovering life there! Of course, not everyone lives an intellectual life… At least some mammals. Wouldn’t it be cool?

What do you imagine they may look like? Hmm, a planet that is extremely similar to Earth yet has more gravity… If someone lives there, they’re most likely large yet short in stature with muscular legs. It sounds both charming and terrifying. But we won’t be able to learn the truth anytime soon. So far, these planets seem to us as minuscule specks in space. We simply have dry, dull statistics on them and have no idea what they look like. We’ll have to wait till we discover a means to travel closer to these worlds.

Kepler 186f. This is also one of the better options for having a life. This fairly charming planet was dubbed “the Earth’s cousin” because it has a striking likeness. Anyway, these two planets are more like sisters than twins. Kepler 186f revolves near the red dwarf. Red dwarfs are stars that are fainter and smaller than orange dwarfs. Yes, they will survive for an extremely long time, but their brightness is also fairly low.

However, Kepler-186f is closer to its star than we are to the Sun, so it should not be too dark there! At least not as black as at night. The sky on this planet will undoubtedly be a peculiar hue of red, similar to Earth’s sunsets. What are your thoughts? Would you wish to live on a planet that has an endless sunset? This planet is around the size of Earth. Not bad, but not flawless. Why is that? Because worlds larger than Earth and with more gravity are the coldest.

likely: “But won’t it be harder to walk there, and even harder to get out of bed on Monday?” Of course. However, this planet will have a greater effect on the atmosphere. The atmosphere will get thicker and denser. This implies more protection from space-related hazards, more oxygen, and more heat. Not to mention that the larger planets have more room to colonize! Fantastic, right? But, of course, the Earth’s size is a good option.

Another interesting feature is that Kepler 186f’s tilt is nearly identical to ours. It implies that there should be consistent seasons and a regular day-night cycle. Do you realize how essential the tilt of the globe is? Let us gaze at Mars. Mars is situated in our Sun’s habitable zone. However, its tilt is extremely unstable, and as a result, the whole ocean that originally existed on it has dried up.

Today, it is merely a red desert with no life. At least not from what we know… But can you see how significant these small nuances are? This planet is likewise pretty far away from us, measuring 490 light-years. It’s around 3 quadrillion miles. So yeah, we’re just going to keep waiting for intergalactic travel.

Kepler 62e and 62f. These planets were dubbed “the most Earth-like” before Kepler 186f was found. They are extremely similar to our home. Kepler 62e is approximately 1.5 times bigger than Earth, but Kepler 62f is just slightly smaller.

They are situated in the constellation Lyra, approximately 1200 light-years distant. They both circle a red dwarf. A year on Kepler 62e lasts around 122 days, which is significantly shorter than on the first planet we discussed. Scientists think that both 62e and 62f are “water worlds” – warm regions that are primarily (or entirely) covered in water. If there is any land there, it is most likely in the form of islands.

A planet made up entirely of islands… a fantasy dream for some (think Hawaii!) and a nightmare for others (think Megalodon). But if you’re a lover of ancient sea species, consider how massive they may be there! There are still a lot of unknowns regarding our planet. Does it have a surface? What is the composition? Density?

One day, we might be able to answer these questions. So that’s all for super-Earths. Of course, the original list is far larger, and you can view it on the Internet. The nicest part about all of this is that these planets are BETTER than Earth… However, we know dozens of additional exoplanets that are “just close enough” to ours.

And there’s a good chance that a couple of them are alive! But they’re so far away, we can’t examine it right now… Perhaps in the future, we’ll find some interesting animals on many of them.


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